The Henry Luce III Library will be having an online library orientation for the 1st semester, School Year 2021-2022 on August 23, 2021 (Monday), 1-3 PM, live on the CPU TV Channel Facebook page. The live stream will also be shared on the library’s page.
This online library orientation is for new CPU students and enrolled college students. The orientation will focus more on the new online services, databases, and resources of the library.
Ma. Cynthia T. Peleña, Director of Libraries, and other librarians will be available to answer any questions after the main library presentation. Pastor Alfred Morales will be the moderator for the event.
The Library has launched and acquired new library resources and platforms this year. Notably, we launched the BAHANDIAN Institutional Repository this February, the first academic digital repository in the Visayas. BAHANDIAN allows researchers to access the research works of CPU students and faculty remotely.
The Library recently subscribed to LibGuides, a content management system for library guides created by our librarians. Visit our LibGuides.
These new platforms will be presented in the orientation. How to use and access our online library resources will also be discussed. See you there!
Watch the live stream on Facebook. The Library Orientation starts on the 01:02:13 time.
The virtual orientation had over 22,000 views.