Last August 28, 2020 (Friday), the library conducted a re-training for librarians on the Virtual Reference Services or VRS.
Librarians were trained on how to best answer questions and cater to requests sent via Bertha, the online chat platform.
Before the re-training, there were a selected number of library staff assigned to the task of answering the questions sent online. However, due to the influx of requests on the start the 1st semester of S.Y. 2020-2021, more manpower was needed.
Vince Palcullo, Archives and Special Collections Librarian; and Allana Delgado, Cataloger and Law Librarian, were the speakers. Both librarians are part of the Virtual Reference Services core team of the library.
The librarians were refreshed on the principles of reference services and they had a hands-on activity on answering questions.
The training followed health protocols with wearing of face shields, face masks, and physical distancing.
The library’s online services was a response to the shift to online learning. The library also launched online services to cater to the needs of students, faculty, and researchers; so they can still access library resources remotely.