The Masters in Library and Information Science with specialization in Theological Librarianship (MLIS-TL) class organized a webinar with international speakers and participants with the theme, “Global Librarianship in times of Crises” last May 30, 2022. The online event featured speakers from different countries.
The webinar discussed how global librarianship practices, collaboration, and cooperation among librarians. The presentations addressed current issues such as preserving cultural heritage, coping with the pandemic, disaster preparedness, leadership, and ethics.
Four notable speakers from different countries were present. Matina Curic of the Pontifical Mission Society in Germany spoke on the topic, “Challenges and Crises in European Theological Libraries and Librarians”; Hasitha Koralage of Sri Lanka Technological Campus Library presented on “International Linkages: Keeping Academic Libraries Alive in Times of Crises”; and Jelena Glišović from the National Library of Serbia spoke on “National Library Initiatives: Adopting with Pandemic and Beyond.”
The last speaker was Dr. Kelly Campbell of the John Bulow Campbell Library and Association of Theological Libraries, who presented on the topic “Global Librarianship in Times of Crises: The Theological Libraries Perspective.”
Responses from the students followed each presentation. Dr. Rowena Libo-on, Dean of the CPU School of Graduate Studies, joined the webinar and delivered the opening remarks. Prof. Ana Mae Cantel, MLIS-TL Coordinator and faculty presented the closing remarks. Prof. Cynthia Peleña, Director of Libraries, introduced the first speaker.
CPU MLISTL students are ATESEA scholars from different Southeast Asian countries.This event is part of the subject Seminar on Global Librarianship under Dr. Reysa Alenzuela.
This article first appeared in the weekly Centralian Link