CPU Graduate School Associate Professor and consultant for the Henry Luce III Library, Dr. Reysa Alenzuela, joined the Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI) first online national congress as a speaker. She spoke on the topic “Virtual Assistants in Learning Support in Online Engagement: academic libraries respond to COVID-19 pandemic.”
She talked about Bertha, our online virtual library assistant, and the library’s experiences and practices on social media. Her talk was also about online library ‘virtual assistants’ of academic libraries in Western Visayas and how they were used as a library service in the new normal. Virtual assistants and online engagement in social media were discussed as well.
The PLAI national congress is the biggest annual gathering of librarians all over the Philippines. However, due to the pandemic, the conference had been moved online. It was supposed to be held in Iloilo City this year.
The PLAI online congress was held last November 24-27, 2020. The theme is “Libraries as Catalysts in the New Normal environment: changes, reforms, transformations.”
PLAI poster Bertha and other virtual library assistants in Western Visayas
I really have missed this important online congress among us PLAI members. I hope to get at least the materials submitted online for my readings as a professor of Library Science as well as Librarian Consultant now during this pandemic.
ng pandemic
All the materials are available online on the PLAI Webinars platform: https://webinars.plai.org.ph/
Create an account and I think you can access the PLAI 2020-2021 online national conferences.
Thank you for the kind reply.
Thank you for the kind reply.
I hope that in future PLAI would make use of my achievements, education and experience to be one of your future speakers.
You may contact PLAI through their official platforms or you may submit a paper for presentation in the future. Follow PLAI on Facebook for updates: https://www.facebook.com/philippinelibrarians/ or you may visit their website at http://plai.org.ph/