CPU Librarians join training on effective online pedagogy

On December 2, 2020, CPU conducted a webinar on “Enhancing the OBE Syllabus for Effective Online Pedagogy”. This webinar was for the university faculty to help them improve the quality of online instruction.

This event was organized by the university’s Review and Continuing Education and Consultancy Center in partnership with the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence and the University OBE Committee.

The speakers were Dr. Ananias C. Sabijon, Jr., the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence, Dean Ma. Christina A. Quijano of the College of Computer Studies, and Dean Dany C. Molina of the College of Engineering. Dr. Irving Domingo L. Rio, Vice President for Academic Affairs, was also present.

Aside from their duties in the library, our librarians also teach as university faculty, teaching subjects such as Library and Information Science (LIS) and National Service Training Program – Civic Welfare Training Service (NSTP-CWTS).

Since the pandemic, classes in the university had been moved online. In this new teaching environment, continuous training and learning for teachers is essential to ensure quality instruction for our students.