Ma. Cynthia T. Peleña, Director of Libraries, co-authored a book chapter with Dr. Reysa Alenzuela (Library Consultant and Graduate School professor). The book chapter, “Theological Library in the New Normal Environment: New Dynamics of Institutional Relationship” was featured in Administration in Theological Libraries: The Theological Librarian’s Handbook — Volume 2 edited by Andrew Keck and published by Atla Open Press, an an imprint of the American Theological Library Association (Atla).
The book is published via the open access model and the full text can be downloaded for free from the Atla Open Press website. This is volume 2 of the Theological Librarian’s Handbook series, published last August 2, 2021.

Book synopsis: “Models for the administration of theological libraries vary significantly based on size, location, culture, and context. Commonly, theological libraries must develop an internal administration of policies, procedures, and goals in relation to collection management, staffing/volunteers, planning, reporting, and budget, as well as administer external relationships to a broader institution, library consortia, and other stakeholders. The targeted audience for this volume includes those starting a new theology library or beginning a new position in administration with principles relevant to established libraries and library directors.”
The book chapter presents how the CPU Henry Luce III Library and the Theology Library implemented innovations and fostered institutional relationships in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of the physical library.
The book chapter can also be downloaded in the BAHANDIAN Institutional Repository: https://repository.cpu.edu.ph/handle/20.500.12852/1408. Readers are encouraged to read, download, and share the book chapter.