Webinar: Ensuring access to health and education during a pandemic

American Corner Iloilo and American Spaces Philippines is presenting a FREE webinar on “Ensuring Access to Health and Education during a pandemic.” This will be on December 9, 2020 (Wednesday), 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM.

About the Webinar
“COVID-19 has impacted every aspect of life in 2020 and most fundamentally changed the day-to-day routines of people across the world, impacting especially people’s ability to access quality healthcare and education. How should communities incorporate health and education concerns as they plan for their recovery from the coronavirus pandemic? A range of experts and observers share their perspectives and ideas on how to defend progress made in access to healthcare and education as well as rebuild avenues to opportunity that the pandemic has stalled. Panelists will address the central question of the UN theme for Human Rights in 2020 – how to build back better by ensuring human rights are central to coronavirus recovery efforts?”

Register for free at bit.ly/HumanRightsDay2020. Participants will be able to join us via Zoom webinar and interact with our panelists.